In recent years, it has been argued that in the face of global social and economic changes, we are seeing a diminution of a sense of secure wellbeing. Critics rue the erosion of a whole range of things – family, morals and manners, rituals and traditions, cultural identity etc., particularly in the face of the socioeconomic changes associated with the modernizing processes. |
The speed and depth with which our lives are changing has indeed been a felt concern for many people.
But life - especially contemporary life - is lived on many levels. And despite the many challenges, most of us continue to seek deep and valued ties with family, friends, colleagues and community, with consequences for our sense of wellbeing.
It is in this seeking of deeper ties within the community that we find traditional cultural activities playing a crucial role – be it in the Ganesh Utsavs, Iftar dinners, Dandiya get-togethers, Diwali fireworks, Christmas or Thanksgiving lunches, or the New Year eve bashes.
Culturally, such events continue to play a significant role in helping us find identity and social meaning. Outcomes for individuals are more comprehensive for those who are centrally involved – either through organization or performance, or participation.
It is with these values in mind that B+ve organized a Dandiya event to coincide with the Navratri festival. And considering that the WHO defines health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity," the event had valuable takeaways to organizers and participants alike.
With more and more of us hankering after healthier and more fulfilling lifestyles, festivals do offer something for everyone - information or inspiration, inner peace or mental stimulation, holistic health or fitness, an opportunity to pig out on mouthwatering delicacies or go on a fasting diet, or just to know what's there in it to augment our pursuit of that elusive and highly-prized work-life balance. We've tried to capture all of this in our festive season special this issue. You will find an extensive and eclectic mix of health, wellness, diet and fitness information, healthy living options, and most of all, a celebrative spirit that we hope will find resonance among our readers, spreading joy and cheer, and the irresistible gung-ho spirit that is quintessential to Indian festivities. So read on, and enjoy a happy and healthy festive season! |